What is #Momtrepreneurs?
Nowadays women are very capable and they received the same education men do, but at the end of the day, children will end their hard earned career and they would have stayed home and take care of their children. However, ‘momtrepreneurs’, the combination of ‘mom’ and ‘entrepreneur’, meaning a mother who runs a business out of her home could help housewives start their own business even they are taking care of their children.
20, 30, 40s
As time passes, we slowly reach different stages of ages, meaning our stage of life alters. Uncertainties and doubts exists during our personal growth and career path decisions. We often feel frustrated when the choices may lead to insecurities and stress in the new chapter of our lives. Family, peer pressure and society’s expectations took a huge part in making decisions. While making life decisions, we would always question ourselves whether it is the best path for ourselves, we might not even know which path we wanted. This workshop is all about sharing and investigating in other people’s experiences. You will find out that you are not alone as everyone is struggling to find their own path.